

– 9th edition –

27-28 October 2023

“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași, Romania
Institute of Interdisciplinary Research
Department of Social Sciences and Humanities

A discipline delineates the boundaries of the intellectual community by defining specific themes, methods, and terminologies, and in order to face the challenges of a deeply interconnected world, it is necessary to assume a comprehensive epistemological methodology. As plural-, trans- and interdisciplinary researches cross disciplinary boundaries by combining methods, approaches, terminologies, and concepts from several fields, they offer broader avenues for solving complex, real-life problems, often surprising by their originality.

In the contemporary academic world, interdisciplinarity covers a wide range of scientific practices and approaches, being a paradigm of analytical thinking that does not challenge the solidity of traditiona discipline, but enhances it at another level. By connecting different disciplines and sometimes restructuring whole segments of traditional fields, the aim of interdisciplinary research is “to solve problems, to resolve difficulties, to formulate new questions, to explain phenomena, to create new products, or to probe subjects […] too complex for the methodological inventory of a single discipline…” (Klein 2010). Thus, interdisciplinarity comes to “examine the fragmentations, interstices and contending discourses within and between disciplines in order to confront epistemological plurality and intellectual complexity” (Fuchsman 2009).

The IPHSS conference brings to the forefront of research a range of topics in the humanities and social sciences, critically analysed from an interdisciplinary perspective. It also invites reflection, providing the academic framework for a dialogue between fields that leads to overcoming epistemological and methodological barriers and to re-evaluating the research object.

2023 special focus: Rethinking Values in Interdisciplinary Research

The concept of value is common to all fields, and its specific analysis has generated a line of philosophical investigation: axiology. Real or imaginary, intrinsic or extrinsic, material or spiritual, tangible or intangible, individual or collective, temporary or perennial, etc., over time, the idea of value has been approached differently – and thus taxonomised – according to the different fields of knowledge. But knowledge is a value in itself, and the 9th edition of the IPHSS conference proposes to rethink the values in general, including the value of knowledge, by following some guidelines, such as, but not limited to:

  • Value scales: sources, origin, causes, and consequences
  • Taxonomies of values
  • Crises of values: paradigms and challenges
  • Inflation of values: attempts at a solution
  • Reinterpretations, reconfigurations, and new meanings of values
  • Dynamics of values
  • Socio-economic values
  • Authentic values versus pseudo-values
  • Temporality or timelessness of values?
  • Non-value: attempts for defining.

We kindly invite you to send your contribution until the 8th of October 2023 13th of October 2023 (extended deadline) to the following address: iphssconference@gmail.com.

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